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ArtTrust Certification

All published Mark Phi artwork is certified with ArtTrust.


ArtTrust LogoMark Phi’s certified works of art

Each work of art is registered and certified with ARTtrust. Each work of art and Certificate of Authenticity have a unique ARTtrust Bubble SealTM. Each ARTTrust Bubble SealTM has a unique reference number plus a datamatrix code and is recorded in the ARTtrust database online for provenance. A grey ARTtrust Bubble Seal is placed on the artwork. A gold ARTtrust Bubble Seal is placed on this Certificate of Authenticity and the artist keeps one for this records.

ARTtrust certification and authentication

ArtTrust secures the artwork, its certificate of authenticity and keeps a secure record on it’s platform for anyone to verify the authenticity of an original artwork or reproduction by Mark Phi. ARTseal 3 is one of the most reliable solutions to certify each artwork in the market. It creates a secure connection between the artwork and its certificate of authenticity. Thanks to the recording on the ARTtrust platform anyone can verify the authenticity of a Mark Phi work of art and its provenance.

identifying the seals

artseal1The Silver Bubble Seal™ is placed on the back of your painting or artwork to identify it and secure it.

The Gold Bubble Seal™ is to place on the certificate of authenticity. This seal will consequently secure the certificate of authenticity of the artwork and will make it unique. The certificate of authenticity will include all the information needed in such a document (title, dimensions, type, etc.) as well as the image of the Bubble seal™ that is on the artwork.

The Blue Bubble Seal™ is to be kept by the artist and placed on the printed archive. This archive document includes the descriptions of the artwork as well as the images of the bubble seals™ on the artwork and the certificate of authenticity. This document assures the artist and his assigns to have a secure print of the certificate of authenticity of the product independently to ARTtrust.

authentication steps

1. Log onto the home page of http://arttrustonline.com
2. Enter the reference number on the ARTtrust Bubble SeatTM.
3. Match the ARTtrust Bubble SealTM reference number and the datamatrix code on this Certificate of Authenticity with the Gold reference number and datamatrix code image on the ARTtrust website.
4. If they match, it is an authentic and certified Mark Phi published work of art.

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